2022: The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful

Sunset in Goderich, Ontario

I am not one to celebrate a new year with much gusto, instead devoting my energy to a more festive time - my birthday (I am a Pisces). For this year past, though, I will pause and reflect. 

For Purposefully, 2022 was a great year. My first full year in operation and I can count the milestones: projects in board governance, fundraising, strategic planning, grant writing; established a cross-Canada client base with new projects in Toronto and Winnipeg; raised more than $2 million in grant writing, delivered five webinars, wrote more than 75 proposals and grant applications; hired a digital marketing specialist; and supported clients make impact with purpose. 

Personally, 2022 seemed to centre around moments of joy, gratitude and loss. 10 years after my mom died, this summer we said goodbye to my father, aged 92. My dad lived an incredible life of family and accomplishment - small town criminal lawyer turned judge and post retirement turned small town politician and local author. Together, he and my mom raised an incredible family of 10 kids (I am number eight!). Moments of sadness and loss this year were balanced by time with my siblings, their spouses and families as we celebrated my dad. That's where the joy and gratitude comes in. While I have lost both of my parents, my family of 10 keeps growing and with my siblings' families, we number 45. 

I have recently updated the Purposefully website and one constant for me is this photo -- this incredible sunset - taken from my family cottage on the evening of my father's funeral. This is the balance of 2022 for me -- the good, the bad and the beautiful. 

2023 - I am looking forward to seeing what you bring. 


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