Leadership Brand In Action

Explore Your Leadership Brand graphic

My last post explored personal leadership brands in theory and here we can see the benefits in action. From Melissa, a Purposefully Coaching client: 

"Working on my leadership brand has been a process- but a good one!

I started by identifying how I see myself within the dynamic of my team and the role that I play. It was a great opportunity to identify my current leadership skills and the skills I wanted to improve upon or gain. 

I love that I was able to really define what leadership looks like for me and how I want to show up for and support my team. There was self-reflection, and examining the role I play in different situations, how I can handle things differently, and a lot of 'aha' moments. 

In addition to becoming equipped for different situations and personalities, I was able to strategize ways to lead more effectively and efficiently while still valuing and respecting my team. I was reminded that my team is made of individuals and different personalities and realized that leadership isn’t one size fits all- different people need me to show up for them in different ways, to support them in different ways, and to provide leadership in different ways. 

Most importantly, I’ve become a better teammate to those around me while still staying true to leadership skills and ideals that matter to me."

Melissa Campion, Event Planner 

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What's Your Leadership Brand?