What's Your Leadership Brand?

Explore Your Leadership Brand graphic

Google leadership brand and you’ll find countless articles about businesses and corporations pursuing clarity and direction for their corporate leadership brand. But, what about you as an individual? What’s your leadership brand? 

How do you show up as a leader personally and professionally?

Creating a personal leadership brand can help you explore who you are, how you would like to lead and the values that are foundational to how you lead. It’s a tool I learned in my coaching certification program, and one that’s had great impact for me, and my coaching clients.

“Anyone could benefit from this exercise,” explains Brianne Ligori, Leader Coach Intensive (LCI partner). “A leadership brand can create a compass for decision making, a confirmation of values, and a commitment to authenticity.”

“A leadership brand can be an intention setting exercise for any established or emerging leader to create an aspirational outcome and to stay true to you,” adds Belinda Clemmensen, LCI partner.  “A leadership brand can be a great tool to come home to who we are.” 

So, what is your leadership brand? Look at sources of inspiration from leaders you admire, of values that are important to you, and of how you see your strengths and contributions, or connect with your leadership coach to learn more. 

Belinda Clemmensen is an ICF certified professional coach, co-founder Leader Coach Intensive and founder of the Women’s Leadership Intensive. Brianna Ligori is also an ICF certified professional coach, co-founder Leader Coach Intensive and author of Claiming Your TGIToday. Learn more about Belinda and Brianne here


Leadership Brand In Action


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